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Preparing for the Future of HR: Become a Credible Activist

hr best practices hr certification hr compliance hr department hr for small business Jun 19, 2023

Do you love the world of business and interacting with people on a regular basis? I thought I wanted to be an accountant when I was eighteen, but that was not going to work for me!  That’s exactly why I chose to move into a human resources career, and I think it’s why many of my peers have made a similar career decision as well.

As businesses evolve, our HR roles within companies must change. As we move into the future of HR, this means that human resources professionals need to become credible activists (among other key competencies) in order to get the attention of business leaders and to do their jobs more effectively.  In order to be seen as credible, people in the organization need to have confidence that you are both capable of doing your job and can be relied upon to do what you say.

Here are four ways in which you can reshape and redefine your role to fit this mould to align with future HR needs:

Focus on the Business

A great HR team member is intimately involved in the business.  While we are connected to the employees, business owners need to have human resources professionals that serve the business first. HR has to be aligned with the strategic and long-term plans for the business and be sure those needs are communicated to all employees. Seeing into the future allows HR to create compensation and training programs that will support the business’s unique goals.

Get Certified

Many in HR don’t have formal degrees, and those that do may have completed them long ago. One excellent way to show that you have the HR knowledge you need is through certification.  Whether it’s SHRM or HRCI Certifications, by becoming certified you show a commitment to your profession and being knowledgeable about the ever-changing field of human resources, which makes you a valuable member of the organization.

If you are planning on getting certified, don’t go it alone. Find a Test Prep Class to help you effectively prepare and increase your odds of passing the first time, which only 50% of those taking the certification tests do.

Be Reliable

The other piece to being credible is that you deliver on what you promise. Be clear about your commitments, and be sure to over-deliver whenever you can. The combination of education and reliability will make you credible within the organization.

Speak Up

Being an activist doesn’t mean that you are walking throughout your office with a billboard. As an activist, your CEO or manager is looking for you to champion new initiatives and act as a promoter for programs that are important to your leadership team. Stand up and be heard. Don’t be shy about things that are important to you.

Through ongoing HR education and networking, you’ll have a wealth of resources to draw upon that will benefit your organization now and in the future.

We can’t predict the future, but by staying connected to the latest initiatives we can be sure that our organizations are aware of where they need to be. Using the idea of a credible activist, HR professionals and functions can ensure their careers are set for success and that they are viewed as credentialed professionals capable of driving the business forward.

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